Believe it or not, friends, the Tweedster is often made fun of for what he considers to be his impeccable taste. I will fully admit that it tends to skew on either side of the bell curve: a Friday night will bring me to the Wooster Groups or Hot Tub Time Machines of the world, and this is no different in musical tastes. Did I clean my apartment today listening to Alban Berg's Lulu? Yes, yes I did.
But that doesn't mean that, despite what everyone else says, I didn't thoroughly enjoy Ke$ha's performance on SNL last night. "Tik Tok" is clearly my crap anthem of 2010. How can it be so wrong, when it feels so right? She is camp from heaven as far as I'm concerned; like Lady Gaga, but without all the artsy pretensions. The B-movie aesthetic also backs up my recent claims about the allegory of space exploration in contemporary performance.
And she played a laser harp. A LASER HARP, for chrissake. I know that lasers have been used quite a bit on SNL recently, but there's no such thing as too much laser.
Laser harp!!!
[Update: Kim Jong-Bod alerted me to a brilliant video on the existentialism of Ke$ha's meter from The Princeton Tiger.]